Monday, April 27, 2009

Warm Blue

Curious about what washable wool would be to work with, I got myself a 100 gram skein of Moda Dea in 'Real Teal' and knitted a simple scarf. No pattern, just a K2, P2 diagonal seed stitch until I ran out of wool.
When the scarf began to 'lean' because of the bias, I thought blocking would solve that problem. But from what I read on the internet, the leaning will continue to be a problem.
The scarf was thick and squooshy, a worthwhile project, and the yarn was easy to work with on bamboo needles. So I bought a second skein and will unravel the scarf to knit it again in a different stitch on larger needles.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Stripe-itty Bag

This has been a fun project! Still to do: add straps and weave in tail-ends. It's made of cotton, not the gorgeous yarn Lucy used, but I'm still learning.

Lucy's pattern is posted in her blog, Attic 24. (Thank you, Lucy!)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Am I late for Mardi Gras?

As a beginner to crochet, I hooked a dozen hexagons and realized I'd made single crochet on Round 4 instead of slip stitch. The mistake made the 5th and final round on each hex look gappy.

But it was a good mistake, because when I attached the corrected 5th round on a hex, I attached it to another hex at the same time. So instead of a short stack of separate hexes, they were actually coming together in a project.

After connecting seven, I went around with sea-green and then red. It's seriously color-y and bright. It made me think of Mardi Gras and a piñata and the roof of a fabulous merry-go-round. It's about 14 inches wide.