The edging is done on the little 42" x 42" hexagon blanket. It's definitely the most vivid item in the house! It was very pleasant to have this project always at-the-ready while watching television or taking a coffee break.
This Bento Box quilt will be 7' X 7', forty-nine 12" finished blocks. Each block is composed of four quarter-blocks. All 196 quarter-blocks are sewn together and this is a picture of only half of the quarter-blocks, 98. There are 46 different fabrics, 23 dark and 23 light. Each 12" block contains 82" of 2-1/2" wide strips. That comes to 4,018 total inches of 2-1/2" strips for the entire forty-nine blocks. Now, I can begin sewing the rows together, seven rows of seven blocks each.